仿生微生系買到賺到網友評鑑5顆星這是網路上最便宜的 在此介紹給您 博客來藝術設計-設計分類網友最愛書籍想了解更多[仿生微生系]的內容嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
The book is about how to learn from the biological world by abstracting bio-mechanisms from living things which then are nurtured within an incubator to transform separately under the simulation of evolvement and eventually incorporate with other ones to create a symbiotic micro-ecosystem. It is not only literally an installation, but also a thinking model with which to reconfigure the way we live on the mother earth.
1. 藉由仿生理論的研究,探討生物機制的潛能,並以此反思人造環境與生態的關係。
2. 本書以仿生怪獸為主題,製作其發生與演化成微型生態系的模型,並拍攝成實際動態影片,活生生地講述內容的開展。
3. 圖面說明結合生物特色,在圖說與插畫上以生物性結合設計圖面美學。
4. 書內的章節架構,簡單明瞭地闡述仿生理論的開展,適合對仿生學有興趣者一窺究竟。